Top 4 Reasons Why Professional Male Hair Extensions Rock!
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Top Trends for Men in 2015

2015 is peppered with top trends and this year it’s all about men! If you fancy spellbinding with a sensational new style, keeping up with your New Year’s hair based resolutions or just branching out for a brand new look that the lady in your life will love, here’s an introduction to the up and coming trends that will see you through the year.

Hair Extensions

Formerly a predominantly female domain, hair extensions are becoming an increasingly unisex affair. Men have become motivated to add length, texture and volume to hair, motivated by a swathe of long locked celebrities including Harry Styles. All the rage in London and further afield,male hair extensions promote youth and experimentation and are increasingly in popularity for males worldwide. Subtle and yet immensely effective, longer locks have always been in style for men but more so now than ever. Thanks to Thor the movie, Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt, thick manes of hair are bang on trend in 2015.


Women have been colouring their hair for centuries and men are starting to catch on. Whether you are putting off the silver fox look or just want to experiment with a new colour, hair dying is a great way to reveal a whole new you. Ryan Gosling, Chris Brown and Eminem are all known to play around with dye and bleach. Nowadays 1 in 5 men dye their hair and younger men are opting to colour their hair at home.

Hair Replacement Systems

Although the bald look remains in thanks to action stars such as Bruce Willis and Vin Diesel, many men are opting for hair replacement systems when their natural hair starts to fade. There are various such systems on the market including laser hair re-growth therapy, non surgical hair replacements, miracle graft hair replacements, crystal lace, the continuous hair graft, celebrity lace, Skinvisible and a range of custom made solutions tailored to the clients particular needs.

Texture, Length and Top Knots

From actors to models, footballers and city slickers, men are favouring teaming texture, lion length and a range of styles such as top knots ‘the man bun’ and even hair bands. The long look has always been in style to some degree, worn by warriors, athletes and notable celebs, but the style is coming back full force with more men choosing to embrace their masculine manes.